Saturday, July 29, 2006

Autorama 2006

OK I'm back from the car show and let me tell you something, it was hot as hell. Even with the canopy up it was almost unbearable. Glo is crashed already. Actually she went back to the truck
during the award presentations and started it up and turned on the AC. Thanks goodness I fixed it last week! I really think the sun and the fresh farm air got to her. Other than the weathe,r it was a nice day. There were plenty of "pony cars" there. (Mustangs, Camero's AMC Javelins and AMX'S, Challengers , Cudas etc.
They had a separate show for the Pony cars and one with all the other classes. I was in the 1990-2006 truck class. I won't lie and say that there were hundreds in that category, but there was 3-4 nice ones, an 2003 Chevy SSR, 2005 Dodge RumbleBee, 2001 Silverado, and a Ranger. these were the ones I had to beat. I was first put into Modified Truck but I asked them to change that. Of course there were ony 2 trucks in that class and neither was very nice. So, I actuallly felt good staying where I was at. To cut a long story short, I won 1st place in my class.


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