Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Who's Hoot

Dearly beloved

I would like to take a couple of minutes to salute a fallen hero of mine. This great man has brought joy and happiness to countless members of mankind. His efforts and vision also helped many members of womankind raise herself from the depths of poverty.

Robert H Brooks, died Sunday July 16th, at his home in Myrtle Beach SC. He was fittingly 69 years old. He is survived by his wife Tami, son Coby, 37, and daughter Boni Belle, 7.

Brooks founded Naturally Fresh in 1966, which makes and distributes sauces and dressings. In the mid 80's he bought a one-restaurant concept and has since turned it into a multinational company. It now has 435 locations in 19 countries, with over $1 billion in annual sales.

If I may, I will take a moment to profess my admiration and personal thanks to Mr Brooks, without whom the chain HOOTERS would have never flown.

I'll end this little tribute with the immortal thanks uttered by that entertainer of old, Bob Hope. "Thanks for the Mammaries, BOB."


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