Keith Urban has Problems?
I was looking at Time today and saw an article about Keith Urban. It seems he has checked into rehab for alcohol abuse. There was much speculation about Nicole Kidman's reaction since it was assumed they had a prenupt that would restrict Urbam from getting anything if he fell off the wagon. Keith Urban was an admitting cocaine abuser who last seeked treatment in 1998.
Now I've got a question here. Someone that has it made like Keith Urban has a problem? Not to sound gay here (nothing wrong with being gay), but if I had half the looks of Keith Urban, I'd say I was blessed. Hell if I could look half as good as he does I'd French him. Looks and a hell of a singing talent. Hmmmmmmmmmm
This seems to be one hell of a coincidence. I was listening to my bud Dan Klass. I've never met him. But. ,after sharing his self examinations posted on his podcasts, I feel like I know him personally. His last podcast left an impression on me. By the time I finished listening to it, I knew I needed to look at my surroundings and be thankful. Just look at the world around me and "see the beauty". This time of year in West Virginia is full of color. I know it's an old cliche. But the fall colored mountains just bring to mind that winter is fast approaching.
So, do like I did this week. Take a look around you. If you look . You will see beauty. It's all around us.
Now I've got a question here. Someone that has it made like Keith Urban has a problem? Not to sound gay here (nothing wrong with being gay), but if I had half the looks of Keith Urban, I'd say I was blessed. Hell if I could look half as good as he does I'd French him. Looks and a hell of a singing talent. Hmmmmmmmmmm
This seems to be one hell of a coincidence. I was listening to my bud Dan Klass. I've never met him. But. ,after sharing his self examinations posted on his podcasts, I feel like I know him personally. His last podcast left an impression on me. By the time I finished listening to it, I knew I needed to look at my surroundings and be thankful. Just look at the world around me and "see the beauty". This time of year in West Virginia is full of color. I know it's an old cliche. But the fall colored mountains just bring to mind that winter is fast approaching.
So, do like I did this week. Take a look around you. If you look . You will see beauty. It's all around us.