Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Add Something Special to Your Valentines Day Card

It’s almost too late. The deadline for sending your Valentines letters to Loveland Co for their special cancellation stamp is coming fast. This is a great way to give that same old boring Valentines Day card that little extra “something”.
The program was started in 1947 by Loveland CO. Postmaster Elmer Ivers and the Chamber of Commerce President Ted Thompson and Ted’s wife Mabel. The idea of a cowboy hat wearing Cupid cancellation stamp and a 4 line poem has grown into a huge program taking many volunteers to fulfill. Loveland’s Post Office averages 300,000 cards sent to all 50 states and 140 countries.

To have your card re-mailed from Loveland CO, send the pre-stamped, pre-addressed card in a larger 1st class envelope to:

Attention: Valentines
Loveland CO, 80538-9998

The deadline for deliveries outside the US is Feb 3rd and inside the US is Feb 8th.

Other cities:
Bliss NY, 14024
Heart Butte MT, 59448
Juliette GA, 31046
Loveville MD, 20656
Loving NM, 88256
Romance AR, 72136
Romeo MI, 48065
Sugar City CO, 81076
Valentine NE, 69201
Valentine TX, 79854
Valentines VA, 23887

Address them as follows:

(Town Name): Valentine Re-mailing
City, State, Zip Code

Friday, January 12, 2007

Time to buy a hacky sack

At this time, I've laughed at soccer players. Now, it is one particular soccer player laughing all the way to the bank. David Beckham has agreed to play for the LA Galaxy for a reported $250 million for the next 5 years. Holy Chit.

Monday, January 01, 2007

80's Priced Gas in 2006?

I was pleasantly surprised yesterday. We had to go to Staples and get a few things that were "on sale". Actually, for what we bought, we saved more than we spent. I had an idea that we would go to Virginia instead of Maryland this time. Gas is normally 7-10 cents a gallon cheaper in Va than it is in WV. We had a credit at Martins (a regional grocery chain). They have a program that gives you 10 cents a gallon off gas for every $100 you spend, and our discount was 70 cents. On top of the 12 cents difference in the normal price of gas, I knew I was going to save a bit of cash. Well when we pulled up to the pump they had a small sign taped to the ad and they were giving a 20 cent discount at this store. Holy chit. So I put in my card and got my 1.40 a gallon discount and I filled up my car and the 4 gas cans I brought with me. They limit you to one fill up of 30 gallons or less. That was a good way to end 2006.