Sunday, February 18, 2007

Stop the Madness

Holy crap. Only hours after being sighted in LA with a freshly shaven head, people are already selling "ACTUAL" locks of Britney Spears' hair for thousands on EBAY. What we won't do for a dollar. Is this really what we have come to as a society? Just to see the raw footage and the way people shove cameras in her face is just......Well, I couldn't handle it. I guess I'd be one of those "bad-boy" types that are always getting into confrontations. I'll refrain from linking to the videos. I'm sure there will be plenty of places to find it over the next couple of weeks.

Ellen on You Tube

I'm sure that this link won't last long, but I have to share it. My Glo sent it to me and I'm here to pass it along. Enjoy.

Gladys Hardy on The Ellen DeGeneres Show

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Blog Fade?

How is it I'm here in the 4th quarter of the Super Bowl and I'm blogging? It's funny, I started out wanting Indy to win and soon after the kickoff I'm rooting for the Bears. Well, it's now 3 minutes into the 4th .... and the Bears are doomed. I guess I should just enjoy the commercials.
I'm sorry if I haven't blogged. I just haven't felt like sitting here. I have had many topics, but the motivation hasn't been there. Maybe I'll get back to blogging soon. Thanks for hanging in there.